Custer, SD to Cody, WY

Went to Skogen again for breakfast. Fabulous again. Mom got a coffee cup since the place was so special. We made a wrong turn leaving Cody which ended up being a unwanted hour detour. The cutest little visitor’s center welcomed us to Newcastle, WY (which also happens to double as the town’s Chamber of Commerce).

We headed north to Devil’s Tower. While I was able to get some approach shots, we weren’t able to go to the actual monument. The traffic was lined up to the next highway and It wasn’t budging. Today was a big mileage day to get to Cody, so we couldn’t wait around. We will have to go back on another trip. We drove west on 16 which took us through a little places called Moorstown and Worland. The highway also took us through Big Horn National Forest and its beautiful scenery. 


Mom got a little frustrated and took it out on a Cheez-Its box. (Don’t worry, no Cheez-Its were harmed, because I’d already eaten them all.) After checking into our AirBnB, mom went for Mexican and I went to Juniper. I can’t speak for the Mexican restaurant, but Juniper has an amazing wine and cocktail selection. After much needed refreshments, I headed back to the AirBnB to finish up a lot of posts. 


  • Day 7 stats: 453 miles, 1 state, 2 NPS.
  • Running stats: 1,967 miles, 7 states, 9 NPS.