Glacier National Park to Calgary, AB
We were up and waiting at Rising Sun campground for a site by 5:45. We made the 7th car in line. By 7am, we'd collected at least 10 more cars behind us in line.
Of course, mom had to talk to everyone waiting in line with us. Many of them, like myself, were not enthused with her early morning exuberance. After waiting for another hour, we decided to visit the Many Glacier area of the park where mom wanted to take a scenic boat tour. I have had a sinus headache induced from the stupid mistake of not taking Allegra; I opted to stay ashore and search the car for pharmaceuticals that mom had cleverly packed in a ziplock bag in another bag in the car top carrier. It was nice to have some alone time and I walked on the lakeshore and stuck my feet in the refreshing, cool water. (I'm actually wading in the water now as I right this.)
Since we couldn't find a place to stay, we decided to head north to Calgary and check in early to our hotel. We breezed through border patrol and drove north through endless farms. We made a brief stop in Cardston, AB at the Remington Carriage Museum.
After more driving, I smoothly parallel parked the Subaru for the valet and I have no plans of seeing the car for the next few days.