Banff National Park
We set out for the bus stop shortly after 7am so that we could make it to the Banff Gondola for our 8:10 lift up Sulphur Mountain. It was 46 degrees (Fahrenheit).
Since it was supposed to be in the mid-80's, I was wearing my Chaco's, a skort, and a few layers up top... I was mistaken as a "real Canadian" and the Japanese tourists in parkas asked to take photos with me beside a stuffed moose. I laughed at the absurdity and acquiesced. Since my toes were turning purple, I bought some ridiculously tacky socks and put them on with my sandals.
We wandered the boardwalk up to the weather station watchtower to see the amazing vistas of Banff below.
Wildlife appeared and I was surprised at the publics confusion over what the correct names of the animals. The goat was called a moose, a deer, and an elk. One husband giddily thanked me as I corrected his wife who kept saying it was a deer. (She was asking about the pictures I was taking of said, "deer" and so I felt compelled.)

While we were waiting for the bus, the nicest parking attendant told us about the free shuttle and we hopped on the bus. Once in town, we walked to Melissa's Missteak for breakfast, which was really brunch without the booze. We headed to the public library and the post office so mom could handle some business matters. Chores completed, we walked some more around town and then relaxed in our room for a bit reading (partly because I was still very much over people and Banff was like Times Square). We went to Jim's Irish Pub and I had the beef and Guinness stew and I was Thanksgiving happy and full. After dinner, we drove out to Two Jack Lake in hopes of seeing the Milky Way, but the forecast kept giving later and later times so we threw in the towel and headed back to the room. I did watch an amazing sunset though.

- Day 20 stats: 16 miles, 0 (new) states, 0 (new) NPS, 37 Subarus
- Running stats: 3,466 miles, 10 states, 21 NPS, 1,221 Subarus.