Dallas, TX to Wichita, KS
We set out from Dallas around 9am this morning.
First stop - Cracker Barrel in Sherman, TX. We bought a Pentatonix CD to satisfy mom's new music interests and we listened to the same songs all the way to Oklahoma City. (We also grabbed some Razzles and Tart -N- Tiny candies.) We visited the Oklahoma City Memorial and Museum. Only the World Trade Center Memorial (and the small chapel across the street from it) has the same sobering affect as the Oklahoma City Memorial.
Photo: Lee Amick Post processing: Trey Amick
Photo: Lee Amick Post processing: Trey Amick
Just a side note here: The OKC Memorial's website says no photography of any kind without prior written approval. I forgot to check their photography policy until last night and their form requires a one week processing time. HOWEVER, I saw tons of people taking photos with iPhones and DSLRs. I asked the kid at the front desk to clarify and he just shrugged his shoulders in true teenage fashion. So, I sought out the Park Ranger I saw near the reflecting pool earlier. She said that taking photographs was fine as long as I didn't intend to receive any income from them. (Ah... the commerce basis of "commercial photography" - finally a definition I that isn't ambiguous.) I snapped a few shots since we were hangry.
We headed over to Kitchen 324 which is about 4 blocks from the Memorial (and OKC has tiny blocks). The food and ambiance were both spectacular. The beet and citrus salad that mom ordered was my favorite. If only I thought about photographing it before I ate it. Whoops!
After lunch, we continued north on 35 to Wichita. This was relatively uneventful except for stopping on the very narrow shoulder of 35 to take a photo with the Welcome to Kansas sign. The rest of the drive consisted of lots of corn fields, cattle, horseheads (oil wells), and wind turbines: AND OF COURSE, road construction.
We agreed that no one would floss their teeth in the car... because well, that's just gross. After 373 miles, we called it a day in Wichita, Kansas.
- Today's Stats: 373 miles, 3 states, 1 NPS stop.
- Running Stats: 373 miles, 3 states, 1 NPS stop.