Dawson Creek, BC to Muncho Lake, BC
By 7:00, we'd seen dozens of oil riggers heading to work and hit the historic Milepost 0 of the Alaska Highway.

By 7:30, we were fueled up and on the road where we passed more oilfield workers and ancillary industry workers. We detoured to the Old Alaska Highway to see the only remaining timber bridge still in service from the original highway. We drove over it.

After getting back on the Alaska Highway, we drove and drove more. Surprisingly, many sections of the highway were gravel - waiting on seal coat. We acquired only 3 chips in the windshield and one on the paint. (Don't worry Trey, I'll stop at the first Subaru dealership for a touch up kit.)
We drove some more. We drove some more.
We arrived at the Northern Rockies Lodge in Muncho Lake around 4:30. The family that runs the lodge also runs a bush plane service. Everything that the lodge uses (i.e. food) is trucked in from Edmonton, which is 800 miles away) twice a week.
Good thing I made reservations for all of our hotels, because they were turning guests away shortly after we arrived. We ate in their dining room which was very good and then I used up my allotted 200KB of data in an instant. Since wifi has been scarce, all of the posts are delayed.
- Day 24 stats: 437 miles, 0 (new) states, 1 NPS, 14 Subarus.
- Running Stats: 4,482 miles, 11 states, 24 NPS, 1,307 Subarus.