Anchorange, AK
The reason Jinks' Snowgoose Pond B&B smells like freshly baked scones is because she's always cooking something fabulous. Our morning started with amazing blueberry scones and French omelettes.
On a day we set out to do nothing, our quick detour (on which we got a little lost) to Midnight Sun Brewery was a pleasant surprise. I drank some amazing beer and we ate lunch. Other than that, we did nothing noteworthy. I took no photos partly because this morning I realized that I broke my SD card reader to USB C converter... which I use to get all of my photos onto my computer and external hard drive. Best Buy cannot get one until the end of the month at which time it will no longer be here. I have ordered one from Amazon, but the "shipment has been delayed". At least I don't have to cart around glass plate negatives... I suppose.
- Day 35 stats: 116 miles, 0 (new) states, 0 NPS, 137 Subarus.
- Running stats: 6,765 miles, 13 states, 29 NPS, 2,342 Subarus.