Shock and Some Aww

I started this week with all sorts of ambition. I made my lists and I was going to get đź’© done.  (All of the eye roll 🙄 emojis.) 

Monday was a city day for Trey which means he was out of the house by 4:45 am. Sometimes I get up with him and start my day and that was Monday’s plan. I slept through his alarm. I slept through slamming doors and expletives when he returned to leave me a gift. A gift of broken prescription sunglasses to have repaired again for the second time in a week. All before 5am. Even the dog slept through all of this. 

By 8:30 I was on my way to Walmart - in an effort to save money - to do the weeks grocery shopping. You definitely don’t go to Walmart for customer service. As I wandered slowly pushing a cart of 80% produce up and down aisles giving my neck a workout - and nearly whiplash- trying to find items, no less than 6 associates walked right past without giving me time to utter a syllable. Finally, the sweet Coca-Cola vendor asked if he could help me. HE DOES NOT EVEN WORK THERE! He tried to flag down a manager who proceeded to ignore him!!!! Turns out they don’t stock the 5 things I had yet to find. I headed home to unload my bounty before going to the gym, the optometrist, and two more grocery stores. All for Israeli couscous and Dasani Sparkling Water in the raspberry lemonade flavor. Not to fear, Amazon Prime to the rescue and my necessities will be here Thursday. (Even though I will now have way more Israeli couscous than I needed.) I texted Trey to inform him we are never to permanently live outside of a 10-mile radius of a Trader Joe’s. 

I traded our neighbors chickens some wrinkled grape tomatoes and cantaloupe guts for a few fresh eggs. My mother-in-law has decided we should get some chickens of our own. Sounds tempting, but first we have to get our garden underway. Last night we had some lightbulb ideas and figured a way to easily increase our raised bed planting space by 33%. Yay! Eventually, we will double it. This will allow us to rotate crops more efficiently and increase our crop yields. 

It was supposed to be in the 50s and sunny on Tuesday. It rained. We had 3 cubic yards of composted manure to spread. Fully outfitted in my Duluth Fire Hose pants and my Muck Boots, I got through about half before 10:30 with the help of my father-in-law. We were going to try to build our new beds, but by the time we got back from Lowe’s, it was a steady rain. Diane (the MIL) and I ran to Rural King and Southern States for some more seed potatoes, cheap planter buckets, and Easter basket goodies.  I know you are asking “what is Rural King”. It’s like the dollar store, Walmart, and Tractor Supply had a baby. They sell anything you could possibly need on a farm from fencing to jeans to power tools to baby chicks. 

Goat Cheese Butter Blend

Goat Cheese Butter Blend

Back to chores. Laundry. Dinner. Planning for a few upcoming adventures. Oh dinner was good. My FIL is what some might call a food introvert. He likes good food, but he doesn’t venture outside of his comfort zone. He can look at black pepper and start to sweat. But tonight, much to my surprise and delight, he tried a chèvre butter compote - on a sweet potato no less - and granola on his baked apples. I’m grinning ear to ear as I’m writing this because this means he may not revolt Thursday when I make tabouleh and chicken shawarma.  

Incase you were wondering, here is the recipe for the chèvre butter compote. You seriously just put the ingredients in a bowl and smoosh (very technical term) together with a fork until its well combined.

  • One stick of unsalted butter, softened
  • 11 ounces of plain chèvre (goat cheese), softened at room temp
  • 4 tbsp finely chopped fresh parsley
  • salt and pepper to taste




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